Brand design is a marketing practice used to design, incorporate and implement different visual or symbolic elements related to the brand for product differentiation and creating a powerful and unique identity of the brand.
In the competitive market, brand design is one of the most crucial factors to stand out from the competition. Different brand design components brands need to get started with are-
- Logos
- Taglines
- E-mail Signatures
- Uniform for the staffs
- Business Cards
- Websites
- Social media pages
- Marketing collaterals such as brochures and leaflets
- Hoardings and Billboards
- Packaging services
- Design templates, etc
What is Brand Design?
Brand design can be called an overall impression that a company wants to portray its product to its users or customers. The term ‘Brand Design’ engulfs the concepts of the name of the brand, the logo of the brand, and all the elements required by the company to stand out from the competition.
Brand design is very much related and speaks a lot about the ‘identity of the brand. In a way, coming up with a brand design keeping in mind the products, the ethics, and the fundamentals of the company; kind of goes around each other in circles.
Process of Brand Identity Design
While designing a brand design, one must keep in mind what kind of product or service is provided by the company, what kind of image the company possesses in the market, the ethics, morals, and values on which the company is built.
Again, the company must keep in mind the brand design itself while producing its products or deciding on anything that can affect the brand design. In a way, the company and the brand design go about each other in circles and repeatedly affect each other.
To arrive at a brand design, certain steps need to be followed, the components of which will be discussed in a bit. First, one must consider the organizational goals and which way the company is heading towards them.
Second, the designers conduct research, both from the customers’ and competitor’s points of view. The third and fourth step is designing the logo and creating the visual elements of the brand. In the end, the company decides on how it will incorporate its branding through business cards, billboards, banners, vehicles, etc.
However, there is an additional step of ‘style guide’ that explains why and how the business arrives at a brand logo and how to properly utilize the graphics for different purposes.
Elements of Brand Design

1. Brand Logo Design
Brand Logo is ultimately the outcome of all the intense planning behind developing ad designing a brand. It is what the customer sees and recognizes the company with.
2. Email and Website
An important part of designing a brand is designing the face of the brand on the online platform and creating a user-friendly interface to converse with its customers. This is where the emails and designing the websites come to play.
3. Branding Tagline
A brand may or may not have a tagline, but sometimes it is the tagline that lingers around in the customers’ minds even more than the brand name itself.
4. Creative Packaging
Although the product packaging is not the first thing that comes to one’s mind while thinking of brand design, the packaging is directly dependent on what the brand is all about.
5. Advertisements and Marketing
Starting from the ads on hoardings and billboards to the way the company selects to run its marketing campaign, the brand image has to be kept in mind in every step.
6. Typography, color, and shape
The brand design is all about creating something of a visual appeal that the customer will go back home keeping in his mind. To make this possible, a team of experts solely works on how the brand should visually look in the market.
7. Graphic Design
Brand graphic design is crucial for incorporating those visual elements that play a significant role in optimizing corporate or brand identity.
8. Social Media Presence
Nowadays, social media has become so pivotal for the success of any brand, and therefore, brands should adeptly optimize their brand design elements on social media platforms.
Importance of Brand Design

1. Having a competitive edge
To make an impact in this ruthless marketing environment, a company must have something that will give it its edge over its competitors. Brands give a company a distinctive push in the market over others even if the products are similar.
2. An asset
When the increase in sales solely accounts for the brand name, the brand becomes a sort of intangible asset.
3. Expectations
Brands create expectations that the business must fulfill if it wishes to stay in the market. In a way, the brand compels the business to perform better.
4. Business Values
Brand designing considers the values, ethics, and core principles on which the business came into existence.
5. Lasting impression
The first impression should be the last impression and a lasting one, which the brand name makes possible.
Brand Design Wrap Up!
Effective brand design is essential for the overall branding process of a business to establish a distinctive and consistent identity in the marketplace.
The brand designs are also important in developing an emotional connection with the target audience.
What are your thoughts about the effectiveness of the brand design in optimizing the presence, leads, and conversions of a business? Share your opinion with us in the comment section below.