Definition: Product Cannibalization can be defined as a loss in deals brought about by an organization’s introduction of another product that dislodges one of its own more seasoned products.
The cannibalization of existing products prompts no expansion in the organization’s piece of the pie in spite of deals development for the new product. Product Cannibalization can happen when another product is like a current product, and both offer a similar client base.
Cannibalization can likewise happen when a chain store or cheap food outlet lose clients because of another store of a similar brand opening close by.
What is Product Cannibalization?
Additionally known to as corporate cannibalism, showcase cannibalization happens when another product barges in on the current market for a more seasoned product. By speaking to its present clients as opposed to catching new clients, the organization has neglected to expand its piece of the overall industry while more likely than not expanding its expenses of creation.
Product Cannibalization is frequently done inadvertently when the promoting or publicizing effort for new products draws clients from a built up product. Accordingly, market cannibalization can hurt an organization’s main concern.
In any case, Product Cannibalization can be a conscious procedure for development. A market chain, for instance, may open another store close to one of its more seasoned stores, realizing that they will unavoidably tear up one another’s deals. Be that as it may, the new store will likewise take piece of the pie from close by contenders, in any event, driving them bankrupt in the long run.
Cannibalization as a promoting procedure is for the most part disapproved of by stock examiners and speculators, who consider it to be a potential delay momentary benefits. As organizations plan their advertising methodologies, showcasing cannibalization should be kept away from, and singular product deals should be firmly observed to decide whether cannibalization is happening.
For instance, when taking a look at the quick development of chains, for example, Starbucks or Shake Shack, these organizations continually gauge the open doors for deals development with the dangers of neighborhood showcase cannibalization.
When Product Cannibalization is unavoidable
At times, Product Cannibalization can’t be kept away from. Each significant retail establishment presently works an online store, realizing beyond any doubt that its deals can just tear apart its physical business.
Their lone other decision is to permit web retailers to keep removing piece of the overall industry from them.
Example of Product Cannibalization

Apple is a case of an organization that has disregarded the danger of product cannibalization in quest for bigger targets. At the point when Apple declares another iPhone, the deals of its more seasoned iPhone models quickly drop. Be that as it may, Apple is depending on its new telephone catching contenders’ present clients, expanding its general piece of the overall industry.
Organizations frequently hazard advertise cannibalization is any expectations of increasing a skip in general piece of the pie. For instance, an organization that makes wafers may present a low-fat or lower-salt form of its image.
It knows a portion of its deals will be torn up from the first brand, yet it plans to extend its piece of the pie by speaking to wellbeing cognizant buyers who in any case would purchase an alternate brand or avoid the crackers through and through.
Importance of Product Cannibalization
As found in the example above, cannibalization can cost an organization a lot of income. It regularly happens when the organization neglects to perform due perseverance before propelling their new product.
In certain examples, the new product doesn’t just damage an organization’s business volume and income. The direst outcome imaginable is that the first item gets eliminated of the market completely.
Notwithstanding, a business can deliberately tear up its current product with another one. In any case, for what reason would an organization present another product offering realizing very well that it will risk the current one? As a technique for developing and extending its activities
Expect that ABC, the watch making organization, has been creating extravagance and luxury watches for some time. Notwithstanding, for reasons unknown, the watches don’t interest the planned objective crowd.
Rather than creating a totally new product, the organization chooses to change its current luxe watch. The upgrades are intended to draw in similar purchasers in the market.
For this situation, ABC purposely dispatches another line of watches since it plans to hold its present clients, just as draw in new ones.
Ways to prevent Product Cannibalization

Another method of managing product cannibalization is to keep it from occurring in any case. Organization proprietors don’t have to quit making their current products altogether. There are different techniques they can use to forestall cannibalization
Distinguish the particular markets for every one of the products
In such a manner, it’s anything but difficult to figure out what gap the current product fills and the particular customers that the thing serves. All these are data that organization proprietors need to have before choosing to dispatch a comparative or new product.
Survey the conceivable market interest for the proposed new product
Specifically, decide how much overall gain the new product is probably going to get. It implies that one should assess the creation costs acquired versus the advantages, which are as new income.
It’s essential to take note of that new products don’t generally prompt higher income. They may build deals volume for the time being nevertheless motivation income to fall in the long haul. On the off chance that such a case, at that point an organization is in an ideal situation adhering to their original product.
Fundaments of Product Cannibalization
New Product
Take a gander at the best five things being sold in mix with the new product. At that point take a gander at the market containers of those five things when the product dispatch to gauge how every one of those market bins have changed. Were the progressions better for you by and large, or more awful?
Price Value change
Like #1, yet you have a history to work with. Measure showcase crates when the cost change to quantify the move in the bushel of merchandise sold with the thing whose cost you expanded.
Measure the check normal of the checks containing the cost changed thing. In the event that you have your menu thing’s plate cost, you ought to do this investigation on a commitment edge premise rather than only an income premise.
Measure normal check for checks containing the LTO things when the advancement. Examine the market crate related with the LTO things to quantify trade ups and trade downs, or moves to different things.
Each change you make to your menu makes expected outcomes and unintended results. A straightforward product mix can reveal to you the amount of a thing you sell, yet it can’t assist you with estimating shifts in the market shift of merchandise that are purchased regarding a menu thing. Check level examination is required to precisely gauge cannibalization.
Key Takeaways
- Product cannibalization is a business misfortune brought about by an organization’s presentation of another item that dislodges one of its own more seasoned products.
- Product cannibalization can happen when another product is like a current product and both offer a similar client base.
- Product cannibalization is once in a while a purposeful methodology to victory the opposition while on different occasions, it’s an inability to arrive at another target market.